Animation Workshop, Biennale of Animation Bratislava

Miomir Rajcevic, Media Education Centre, Belgrade, Serbia Animation Workshop-ThumbTrip Flip Book Bratislava 2014 Flipbooks are such fun! They’re like your own personal movie or slideshow. They’re also a great way to have fun and learn how animation works, too! They can be funny, they can be thoughtful, and they can Continue Reading →

Kid’s Eye, Hungary

Our New Member Kid’s Eye Hungary At the end of the 8th Summit in Belgrade 2013 it was 45 partner and member countries. Today, it is 56. Just after the 9th Summit in the last month we have 10 application! What is International youth Media Summit today? We are MOVEMENT Continue Reading →

Letter from Evelyn

Short evaluation of the Summit and expectation for 10th Summit: The 9th International Youth Media Summit was a true Celebration of Youth Voices. 78 delegates from 22 countries shared their talents of not only filmmaking and animation, but singing, dancing, musical instruments, painting and fashion design. In addition to their Continue Reading →

9th International youth Media Summit 2


This gallery contains 21 photos.

Daily report by Aleksa Nedic The Summit can start On the second day our PSA film makers were really busy and very productive. All of our seven voice delegates today got deeper in their subjects. Every voice interviewed explored and examined the main charachteristics of their subject. Hearing sad stories, Continue Reading →

Ping Pong in Los Angeles

Ping Pong, short history (Table Tennis) began as a mild social diversion. It was probably played with improvised equipment in England, during the last quarter of the 19th century. Though Ping Pong (Table Tennis) evolved, along with Badminton and Lawn Tennis, from the ancient game of Tennis, the game was Continue Reading →

Ping Pong 2

What Ping Pong 2 have to be? New approach, some kind of cover page project trough we would like to show importance, influence and meaning of cultural exchange in diplomacy, policy and future building… For us, USA-Serbia Cultural Exchange trough Ping-Pong project curated by Linn Marie Kirby and her students/assistants Continue Reading →

The Recycled Orchestra of Cateura


This gallery contains 7 photos.

The story develops in one of the poorest slums in Latin America. Just outside Asuncion, Paraguayans capital; Cateura is the city’s trash dump.  It is built on a landfill. Here, people live in a sea of garbage. And they live from garbage. Every day, tons of rotting detritus spill from trucks and Continue Reading →