Around 1.4 billion people, including over 50% of the population of the
sub-Sahara Africa, live on less than $1 a day. Their situation is characterizedby extreme poverty with traces of malnutrition, hunger
and ill health, a mere deprivation of life’s basic necessities.

According to UNICEF, at least 22 000 children quietly die each day due
to poverty in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from
the scrutiny and conscience of the world.

Pakistan for example, is badly bound in the chains of poverty, with
more than seventy million living in this situation. Since its
inception it has been the victim of this economic and social evil.
Today, Pakistan’s majority of population live in poor rural areas.
Somalia, Burundi, Democratic republic of Congo and Zimbabwe are also
still battling this issue.

Sad enough, the global economic trends are not helping the matter as
more and more people are forcefully drawn into poverty. Nevertheless,
world leaders are committed to fulfill the Millennium Development Goals
by cutting by half in the year 2015, the number of people living in
extreme poverty.

People at the Centre of Inclusive Development, echoes a new strategic limelight that
should bring hope and stupendous change. In order to achieve this
goal, it is eminent that world leaders, youth and youth leaders,
social and economic institutions and the community at large should
advocate for good governance where every human right is observed. All
should fight to bring development and that every facility is available
in remote villages.

Businesses should provide employment chances that would institute a
permanent source of income to everyone especially those neglected in
poor rural areas. Majority of rural areas rely on agriculture for
livelihood, so this important sector must be developed through
technological improvements, government assistance for proper
utilization of land through use of effective capital, and subsidies in
time of disasters. Assistance can also be rendered through micro
financing, thereby providing the poor a chance to earn their living
through small level business.

Our target is to reduce at least by 30% the number of people living in extreme poverty globally by 2014. We also
want to ensure that youth and youth leaders play their role in
combating poverty especially in all member countries. Our heart is in
educating the poor, enabling them to collect, analyze and use
information to improve and gain more control over their lives, and
collaborate with other organizations to eradicate poverty. For the
past years have we been involved in organizing events and shall
continue to run events in order to bring awareness on the issue at hand.

By this we can be able to achieve sustainable socioeconomic growth,
technical advancement and development. Everyone has a responsibility
to accomplish. Truly the world we surely desire to live in where every
need is met can be achieved if only we also participate in bringing
radical change.

It is about time we hear the cry of the hungry. Feed a soul, save a
soul. You can do it!