Wonderful Windows : Prévert’s sphere”


“?arobni izlozi : Preverova sfera / Merveilleuses Vitrines : Univers Prévert / Wonderful Windows : Prévert’s sphere”

Since 4 years the French institute of Belgrade organized animating windows for the passengers of Knez Mihalova’s street. The project of the “Wonderful Windows” is settled in order to promote the quality of the French artistic creation and to encourage the young generation to be interested in French culture and French language.

The French designer Soline d’Aboville and the Serb architect Dragana Markovi?, with the help of around 10 students from the Academy of Fine Arts of Belgrade worked since September on the creation of four new windows. The subject of this new window is a tribute of the French poet Jacques Prévert.

The exhibition buy cipro no prescription started on 12th of December 2012 at the French Institute of Belgrade.
The 4th serie of the “Wonderful Windows” deal with the magical poetry sphere of Jacques Prévert. French poet from the 20th century, very famous for all the readers.
The project of the “Wonderful Windows” show four poetry chosen in a surrealist way.
The design is made of plastic objects with the help of the lights and illusions.
The goal of this exhibition is to create a magical effect made of simple things, to illustrate Prévert’s words on picture in order to make everyone dreaming… If you didn’t catch the exhibition, you can see short video clip that was made by the Media education centre’s team.