European Year of Skills

It is here! The European Year of Skills began on 9 May and will run until 8 May 2024. This initiative informs the priorities for many of the EU institutions’ activities. Find detailed information on the Year of Skills portal. The European Commission has outlined four main objectives for this initiative:

  • Promoting higher, more effective, and inclusive investment in training and upskilling.
  • Ensuring that skills are relevant to labour market needs, including through cooperation with social partners and companies, and promoting opportunities available to young people.
  • Matching people’s aspirations and skill sets with job market opportunities, especially for the green and digital transition and economic recovery.
  • Attracting skills and talent from third countries, including by strengthening learning opportunities
    and mobility, and facilitating the recognition of qualifications.

The Year of Skills was officially launched with a hybrid event in Brussels, during which participants learned more about this initiative and heard about related experiences. Attendees also had the opportunity to hear a keynote speech by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who emphasized the importance of education as a way of life and investing in training, especially in this period of digital and green transition that is transforming our world and creating new jobs. Only by working together can we help people upskill and reskill to face the challenges of the new world of employment, because the digital transition is happening, and we all need to adapt. During the kick-off event, Commissioner Nicholas Schmit also emphasized the need to invest in skills and declared that the initiative aims to change the mindset of institutions, Member States, regions, and individuals.

You can re-watch the streaming of the event and the keynote speeches here.