Annecy 2013 (002)

The Team of the Media Education Centre in Annecy 2013

Day by Day report by Aleksa Nedic

(Serbian Version Below)

12th of June , Tuesday the second working day

The day had started early for us, but not with the official programe of the festival, but with us exploring the city’s culture , monunments, buildings and the Lake of Annecy which additionally made our walk more beautiful.

Unlike the rainy day yesterday the day today was very sunny and nice.

Along with the Serbian team the French hosts had joined us and had as much fun as we did even when we were climbing a steep street which leads to a fortress with a beautiful panoramic view. After that we went on a lunch to take a brake and gather up a little bit of energy for the rest of the day. On our way to the Decavision Cinema Centre, we came across a little gallery of Disney’s animation film production.

Before the projection the jury had been invited to participate in a making of an animation film using the technique of pixilation.

On the screening, which had began at 4pm, the short animated films had a very serious theme based plot with a little bit of dark humour and the tiring special effects that made the films harder to watch.
That night, at 10pm, there was another projection for the older buy flagyl online uk jury. This compilation of exciting, but on the other hand creepy, films finished our second day on the festival.


Tim Medijskog edukativnog centra na Annecy Festivalu 2013

Dnevni izvestaj iz Annecy-ja Alekse Nedica

11 jun, utorak,  prvi radni dan

Dan je po?eo rano, ali ne zvani?nim programom festivala , ve? upoznavanjem sa gradom, njegovom kulturom, spomenicima, gra?evinama i istoimenim jezerom koje je samo ulepšalo našu šetnju.
Za razliku od prošlog kišovitog dana ovaj dan je bio vrlo sun?an i prijatan.
Uz tim iz Srbije su išli i doma?ini našeg žirija koji su je jako lepo zabavljali ceo dan sa nama, ?ak i dok smo se penjali uz strmu ulicu koja vodi do tvr?ave sa koje se vidi  divna panorama. Nakon toga smo otišli na ru?ak da se malo odmorimo ne bi li imali dovoljno energije za ostatak dana. Na putu do Decavision cinema Centre-a, svratili smo da posetimo izložbu Diznijeve produkcije animiranih filmova.
Potom je žiri,pred projekciju, bio pozvan da u?estvuje u stvaranju animiranog filma tehnikom pikselacije u obližnjem tržnom centru.

Na projekciji, koja je po?ela u 16h, kratki animirani filmovi su se bavili krajnje ozbiljnim tematikama uz crni humor i zamaraju?im efektima koji su ih ?inili težim za gledanje.
Uve?e, u 22h, je bila još jedna projekcija za stariji žiri. Ova kompilacija uzbudljivih i u neku ruku jezivih filmova je završila naš drugi dan na ovom festivalu.