Peace Laboratory

Peacebuilders have to have the knowledge and skills to build the capacity of individuals, organizations and communities with transformative frameworks and tools that increase social connection, and resilience to bring peace across the world.

StandUp4Peace: Media Education Centre with Danube Peace Boat E.U.R.O.P.E, International Cities of Peace and Building PEACE will join forces to promote all connections with Peace between People, Peace between Countries and Peace with Nature. Without peace, it will not be possible to achieve the levels of trust, cooperation and inclusiveness needed for societies to be resilient to amazement, manage disputes and adapt to changes in their environments. Replicating these and other factors in all countries is vital, but to do so means being able to identify the factors that create and sustain peaceful societies, to begin with. Without this, it will not be possible to develop the programmes, create the policies or understand the resources required to build peaceful societies facing unprecedented global change.

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