Annecy 2013 (003)

The Team of the Media Education Centre on the Annecy Festival 2013
Day by Day report by Aleksa Nedic
Thursday, 14th of June

(Serbian Version Below)

We had a little bit of a day off today in comparison with the previous days. The older jury have watched their  films ,at 10:30pm, with a very interesting plots, after that we were all free untill  3:30pm, or in other words until the films of the younger jury begin.

After the beautiful morning sun that had awaken us at 8am, we all enjoyed the beauty of the nature that Annecy had given us. We went to an interesting fast food restoraunt named Quick, there isn’t one in our country, so that the jury won’t be hungry and be fully satisfied until the end of the second projection at 3:30pm.

Walking relaxed after lunch we came to the Decavision Cinema centre early enough to spend a little bit more of our free time. The older jury, eventhough they weren’t obliged by the programme, got the posibillity to watch some more of the films. By the programme, the younger jury have watched the prepared choice that was thematically very hard and barely understandible for them.

Fortunantely, there were a few films that had positively surprised the public and satisfied our reprisentatives in the jury. All members of the jury have left with their hosts to hang out  and have dinner together. The last projection for today took place on a new location which had approved that Annecy does not stop surprising us by it’s beauty. The cinemas are full already 3 days as we saw them standing in a rows confirming to us the interest,  not just within the foriners but within the French themselves. Just looking at the enterier s and mainatinance of the cinema order ciprofloxacin teheaters  you can see how big the dedecation of the citizens of Annecy to this festival is. The films were based on various themes, from depressive and criticaly based to unnecesary vulgar joking. The jury’s choice will be interesting because of this variety of themes. This festival day we are closing inpatiently waiting for their decision.

Tim Medijskog edukativnog centra je na Annecy Festivalu animiranog filma
Dnevne vesti Alekse Nedica
Cetvrtak, 14. juni

Danas je dan proveden malo slobodnije u odnosu na ostale. Stariji žiri je odgledao svoju projekciju u 10:30h sa krajnje interesantnim sadržajem filmova, nakon toga smo svi bili slobodni sve do 15:30h, odnosno do obavezne projekcije za mla?i žiri. Posle lepog jutarnjeg sunca koje nas je probudilo oko 8h svi smo uživali u ?arima koje nam je priroda Ansija priredila i otišli smo u jedan zanimljiv fast food restoran po imenu Quick kojeg nema na našem prostoru da bi žiri bio sit do kraja druge projekcije  u 15:30h. Laganim korakom posle ru?ka smo stigli do Decavision Cinema centra dovoljno rano da jos malo iskoristimo slobodno vreme.  ?lanovi žirija starijeg uzrasta, mada nisu imali obavezan program, dobili su mogu?nost da pogledaju dodatni izbor filmova. Prema progamu, mla?i žiri je pogledao za njih pripremljen izbor koji je ve?im delom bio tematski pretežak i jedva razumljiv. Sre?om,pored ovih filmova izdvojilo se nekoliko vrlo prikladnih koji su oduševili publiku i zadovoljili naše predstavnike u žiriju.

Svi ?lanovi žirija su otišli posle projekcije sa svojim doma?inima da se druže i ve?eraju zajedno.

Stariji žiri se vra?a na svoju ve?ernju projekciju koja se održava na novoj lokaciji za sve nas, pa ?emo još malo bolje upoznati Ansi.  O?ekujemo nove utiske i komentare.