Annecy 2013 (005)

Media Education team in Annecy
Daily Report by Aleksa Nedic
(Serbian text below)

The day was full of excitement for all of us. The jury was finally after of all seen projections,including today’s,  deciding about the best animated films of 2013 on this festival.

Just before the last official projection we decided going to the city during our free time on this beautiful weather that Annecy had once again showed us after yesterday night’s rain. Walking along by the cinema in which  we were yesterday evening, we got surprised when we saw a mobile street green market there that was going throughout the whole street showing us the wonderful products of French cheese, salamis, sweets, flowers,greenery etc.

Happy that we saw that too, we went to the last projection. The jury had not enjoyed it very much. The length and the misunderstood plot of some films was what the audience did not like much. That tells us that these probably wont be nominated for the best film.

After the projection the key moment we have all been waiting for came. The jury gathered up in a lirbrary concentrating very hard on the decision which will be the final of this festival to announce just one film for the best in their category, one category for the short movies and the other for the graduate student movies. After more than an hour of consulting the jury has reached the final decision that we will find out tomorow on the closing of the festival.

Having finished with the jurying and the projections we finally got a chance to completely enjoy the beautiful nature of Annecy. We used the chairs near the lake that were meant for the outside night cinemas and enjoyed under the warm sun and a blue cloudy sky. The night was falling down soon and we,already familiar with the city, easily walked to the hotel to plan the rest of the day.

Still with no official engagements we had enough time to go  to the city that night and fresh up our appetite with a warm dinner and visit the outside night cinema. On that projection under the clear sky not only that all of the seats had been taken but the whole field the size of a football pitch was full of people. On the big screen the synchronized French version of the animated film ’hotel Transylvania’ was going on.


Tim Medijskog edukativnog centra u Annecy-ju 2013
Dnevni iyvestaj Alekse Nedica

Dan je bio pun uzbuđenja za sve nas. Žiri je konačno posle svih projekcija ,uključujući i današnju, odlučivao o najboljim animiranim filmovima 2013 godine na festivalu.

Pre poslednje zvanične projekcije rešili smo da odemo u grad da posvetimo malo naše slobode divnom vremenu koje nam je Ansi opet pružio posle noćašnje kiše. Šetajući pored bioskopa u kome smo sinoć bili, iznenadili smo se kada smo na tom mestu videli, očigledno pokretnu, pijacu koja se prostirala duž cele ulice pokazujući nam čari francuskih sireva,salama ,cveća,slatkiša,zeleniša i još mnogo toga.

Zadovoljni što smo i to videli, uputili smo se na poslednju projekciju. Ova već spomenuta projekcija i nije baš oduševila naš žiri. Prevelika dužina i nejasnoća nekih od filmova zasmetala je publici što nam već govori da se verovatno u izboru za najbolji film oni neće naći.

Posle projekcije je došao i taj ključni momenat koji smo čekali ceo festival. Žiri se okupio u jednoj biblioteci i duboko se skoncentrisao na odluku koja će biti finale ovog festivala i proglasiti sutra samo jedan film za najbolji u svojoj kategoriji, jedan u kategoriji kratkometražnih a drugi u kategoriji diplomskih filmova. Posle više od sat vremena dogovaranja žiri je doneo konačnu odluku koju ćemo doznati sutra na zatvaranju festivala..
Uživanje u Ansiju smo najzad mogli danas popodne da osetimo u punom svetlu čiji nas je bljesak dočekao kad smo izašli iz biblioteke. Završivši sa žiriranjem i projekcijama konačno smo se potpuno prepustili lepoti prirode Ansija. Iskoristili smo ležaljke pored jezera koje su namenjene za spoljnje večernje projekcije i uživali ispod toplog sunca i divnog plavog oblacima išaranog neba. Veče se polako spuštalo,mi smo se već odomaćeni u gradu lagano prošetali do hotela da isplaniramo ostatak dana.

I dalje bez obaveza imali smo dovoljno vremena da uveče izađemo do grada da se osvežimo toplom večerom i posetimo bioskop na otvorenom.  Na toj projekciji pod vedrim nebom ne da su se samo napunile sve ležaljke već je celo to polje veličine fudbalskog igrališta bilo prepuno ljudi. Na velikom platnu je bila puštana sinhronizovana verzija animiranog filma „Hotel Transylvania“