Annecy 2013 (004)

The Team of the Media Education Centre on the Annecy 2013 Animation Film Festival
Day by Day News by Aleksa Nedic
4th Day (Serbian Version Below)

Looking at a very informational and detailed catalog and the plan of this festival, it was now clear to us that some of the short animated films seen in the competition are actually student graduation films. That helped us to understand why these films have a hurtful, complicated, experimental topics.

This very sunny summer day had began in search for another new location that was not very understandable on our map. The not authentical building was a cinema in front of which we have finally met with the jury and their hosts. Both of the juries were on their feet earlier in the morning watching movies and being at a meeting with the producers of some animated films. When we all gathered in at noon we slowly went to the  restaurant on one of Annecy’s channels in which we also had lunch. On our way to the information centre we passed through a little park where in nature small children were having their first lesson in animation.

After that, we have waited for the bus on the hot sun and temperature of 30C but it was worth it  more than walking by foot on this real summer weather. Our target was a luxurious hotel ‘Imperial palace’ which part is in use as a business center and during the festival it also had a role of a software and technology fare and a market of professional animation films to the distributers. Our jury there watched the making of cartoons. Everybody had the most fun taking pictures with the figures of their favorite cartoon characters and enjoying their time in the shade of an enormously big tree. While we were returning to the city we saw a beautiful picture of the lake beach on which people enjoyed the warm beams of the suns while their faces  being bronzed, and at the same moment above the lake there was a top of the mountain with snow and that made a beautiful contrast to this already beautiful picture, we were very jealous of them.

Our next stop was in front of the cinema where the opening of the festival was. Our older jury wondered after the afternoon projection ‘Was it necessary to have that much nudity?’.  We understand that it is the trend of pushing erotic and pornographic material in front of everything else.

After a beautiful and very warm day, just before the night projection, heavy rain and change of weather had surprised us. The strength of the rain was equal to the strength of the emotions of the films ordering levaquin canada that had fulfilled our expectations of an ideal projection of the movies that can easily be called the best by now.

Tim Medijskog edukativnog Centra na Annecy Festivalu Animiranog Filma
Svakodnevne vesti Alekse Nedica
Cetvrti dan!

Prelistavajju?i izuzetno opremljen I detaljan katalog i plan ovog festivala  postalo nam je jasno da su neki kratkometrazni animirani filmovi  vidjeni do sada u konkurenciji za nagrade zapravo diplomski studentski filmovi. To nam je malo pomoglo da shvatimo zašto ovi filmovi imaju škakljive , komplikovane,eksperimentalne teme.

Današnji dan, presun?an I potpuno letnji, je zapo?et u potrazi za još jednom novom lokacijom koja nam je bila nejasna na mapi. Neautenti?na zgrada je bila bioskop ispred koga smo se najzad susreli sa žirijem I njihovim doma?inima. I mla?i I stariji žiri je bio ve? na nogama od ranog jutra gledaju?i filmove I prisustvovaju?i susretu sa režiserima nekih od animiranih filmova. Okupivši se oko podneva, otišli smo lagano do restorana na jednom od kanala u Ansiju u kome smo I ru?ali. Na putu ka informacionom centru smo prošli kroz parki? u kome su mala deca u prirodi u?ila prve lekcije iz animacije.

Nakon toga smo dugo na vrelom suncu I temperaturi od 30C ?ekali autobus ali je vredelo da ne peša?imo po ovom pretoplom pravom letnjem vremenu. Naš cilj je bio luksuzni hotel ‘Imperial palace’koji u jednom svom delu  ima poslovni centar I za vreme festivala tako?e ulogu sajma softvera i tehnologije za izradu animiranih filmova za profesionalce kao i  prodaju profesionalnih animiranih filmova distributerima. Naš žiri je gledao nastajanje raznih vrsta animacija I tako?e  šta prethodi da bi mogli da uživaju u raznovrsnosti crtanih filmova.Svi su se najviše zabavili slikaju?i se sa velikim figurama omiljenih crtanih junaka I uzivaju?i u hladovini ogromnog drveta u parku ispred dok nije stigao autobus. I dok smo se vra?ali u grad usput smo posmatrali predivnu sliku jezerske plaže na kojoj ljudi uživaju u toplim zracima sunca dok im obasjavaju lica, a pritom se iznad jezera nazire vrh planine sa snegom i udara predivan kontrast ve? lepoj slici I mnogo smo im zavideli.

Slede?e odredišteje bilo ispred sale u kojoj smo bili na otvaranju ovog festivala. Naš stariji žiri se pitao nakon popodnevne projekcije ‘Da li je neophodno bilo toliko golotinje?’. Nama je naravno jasno da je re? o trendu postavljanje erotike i pornografije u prvi plan.

Posle lepog i veoma toplog dana pred ve?ernju projekciju nas je iznenadila jaka kiša I nagla promena vremena. Koliko je ovaj pljusak bio jak, toliko su bile jake poruke I emocije filmova koji su ispunili o?ekivanja svih nas o jednoj idealnoj projekciji  filmova koja se slobodno može nazvati najboljom do sad.