Fondazione Malagutti

The Media Education Centre proudly would like to present our partners and friends from Mantua, Italy: Fondazione Malagutti


Fondazione Malagutti onlus is based in Curtatone (Mantua, Italy).

In a safeguard structure it welcomes and assists children/teenagers, mothers with children, victims of abuse, torture and maltreatment, providing them a family environment for recovering of the serious social and medical difficulties. Together with other voluntary associations, it develops and supports projects of social solidarity and health advancement.

The main objective of Fondazione Malagutti onlus deals with the promotion of children’s cipro tablet online rights, protection of their health, education and training. For this purpose a large range of initiatives and targeted projects, cultural workshops and job training are promoted. It has been activated the First Aid for Minors 24H for emergency cases reported by law enforcement and institutions.

Fondazione Malagutti onlus has created and promotes the “Network – Diritti a Colori”, the “International Drawing Competition” and the “International Children’s Rights Festival”, offering opportunities to stimulate, debate and study to national and international reality.